Tuesday, December 31, 2013


im just kidding about discontinuing this blog. happy new year to evryone time to start 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Hello!!! im sorry I have not done a post in a while but im back! anyway, I was looking over a wonderful blog called Dining with monkeys. My mom is freinds with the creator and I am friends with the son of the creator his name is Satchel. Oh a picture of me is up there. but, I really havent done a post in a while and i forgot how fun it was.... see you next time!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Comicon, you would expect tons of comics but there was other stuff. legos, toys and stuff.
we went to the lego part and there were just tons of legos! motorized legos, lego citys, spongebob, and more in the picture i am wearing a helmet and holding a sword/dagger i dont know which.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

That night on Julian's birthday, we went to the Delta Fair. We were in a fun house and it started raining HARD, so we took a shower at the fair. We got there at 5 and left at 9.  we had our aunt come with us. and when it was night everything was,WELL colorful and we went home and i was attacked by our dog, lucy
I am back finally! I forgot about this, but my mom reminded, so I have a lot of stuff to show you and talk about. It was my brothers birthday and that is not me, that is him.  He got legos and stuff,  but he got Kai's blade cycle and Jay's storm fighter.  Both were hard to build but it was worth it.  We had fun!